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Writing by the Water





Uses for Strong Acid Water (2.5 - 3.5)

  1. Strong Acid Water is known for its antiseptic value. This Water has an astringent effect on what it comes in contact with. For this reason, it can tighten and smooth your skin and is particularly effective in the treatment and prevention of acne, pimples, and rashes. Moreover, its disinfecting and sterilizing ability also helps in treating minor skin wounds.

  2. Strong Acidic Water is not suitable for drinking but is perfect for other tasks. Strong acidic water has great disinfecting power and is often used by restaurants to prevent food poisoning. This water is the strongest disinfectant of its kind.

  3. Strong Acid Water is great for your Skin, Hair, and Teeth - specific benefits include:

  • Strong acidic water improves many skin ailments such as Athlete's Foot

  • Shampooing: When using acidic ionized water before and after shampooing, it will not only protect your hair, but also prevent hair loss, itching, and dandruff.

  • Haircare - use acidic water instead of a conditioning rinse. It will reduce tangles and give your hair a healthy shine.

  • Bathing: Mix in 6-10 liters of acidic water to your tap water in your bathtub. Bathing in this water will improve the overall health and beauty of your skin. Bathwater - acidic water will keep your tub free of rings while keeping your skin radiant.

  • Burns: Applying acidic water eases the pain of burns and accelerates its recovery.

  • Sunburn: Acidic water also relieves inflammation and hastens recovery.

  • Eczema and Acne: Acidic ionized water can kill bacteria, to keep the skin clean, and to improve your skin condition.

  • Brushing Teeth: If you regularly use acidic water for brushing your teeth, it will help to maintain healthy teeth with whitening, sterilizing, and disinfecting results.

  • Gargling: Gargling with acidic water prevents infection of germs by killing the microbes that cause colds and tonsillitis.

  • It Kills acne bacteria, reduces inflammation and redness

  • Face wash or toner - the acidic water has amazing astringent properties that help to tone and firm your skin.

  • Hygiene - use this water to disinfect your hands, toothbrush, and more.

  4. For Cooking with Acidic Water due to its constricting effect, Acidic Water also has a wide range of cooking uses, which are:

  • Cooking noodles with acidic water will prevent the noodles from becoming soggy.

  • Using acidic water to coat fried dishes will help that the dish is much crispier.

  • Soak fish in acidic water before cooking. It will tighten the meat of some fish, making it easier to cook.

  • Washing fruits and vegetables with acidic water will kill harmful bacteria. Clean (soak for 3-5 min.) vegetables with acid water [2.5 - 3.5] to kill the germs without harming the healthiness of the vegetables. Then soak your vegetables in the strongest setting you can get of alkaline water [11 - 11.5 PH] for another 5-10 min. What this does is dissolve the pesticides from the surface of your vegetables. Farmers are using pesticides today that are oily because the oily pesticides don’t wash off easily in the rain. However, this makes them also not easy to wash off in your sink! Now you can counteract that by soaking your non-organic vegetables in the strong alkaline water. The water will turn a brownish color. That’s the dirt and pesticides becoming released. After 10 minutes, pour that water out and soak once more in some fresh alkaline water for another minute or so, and you’re ready to go. Washing veggies and fruits will maintain their vibrant colors.

  • Frozen food - when you spray your food with acidic water before freezing, you're ensuring that the flavor will not be lost when thawed.

  • Cooking beans - they will cook to perfection in less time! Beans can be soaked in alkaline ionized water for a shorter time before cooking. Cooking rice with alkaline ionized water helps prevent spoilage.

  5. Health: Strong acidic water is used for various health-related purposes like:

  • Gargle to relieve a sore throat and kill germs

  • Used in hospitals in Japan to sterilize endoscopes and heal skin ulcers

  • Oral health: Used for brushing and gargling Sanitize your toothbrush (soak for 20-30 minutes) Effectively removes plaque from teeth. Have healthier gums. Brush with ionized acid water instead of toothpaste. Rinse with tap or alkalized water.

  • Gargle to relieve mouth sores and to prevent infection by germs including the microbes that cause colds and tonsillitis.

  • Removes bad breath.  

  • Sore throats: In the odd chance of a sore throat, try gargling with strong acidic water several times per day and see if that helps.

  • Relieves chapped hands and dry, itchy skin.

  • Excellent therapy for fungus such as athlete’s foot.

  • Helps heal and disinfect cuts, blisters, scrapes, rashes, burns, and wounds.

  • Accelerates recovery when applied to bruises, sprains, eczema, and other skin problems.

  • Helps heal diabetic skin ulcers.

  • Alleviates the pain and speeds recovery of burns.

  • Relieves inflammation and speeds recovery from sunburn.

  • Provides relief from mosquito bites, bee stings, poison ivy, and poison oak.

  • Washing hands: Wash your hands with acidic water to effectively remove odors and itching.

  6. In the Kitchen and Cleaning:

  • Strong acidic water has excellent disinfecting powers that can prevent food poisoning. e. Coli, salmonella, and a host of pathogens in as little as 30 seconds.

  • Cleaning and disinfecting - strong acidic water kill germs and bacteria, sanitizing your home in the most important places: the bathroom and kitchen. Strong acidic water was approved as a food product disinfectant in June 2002 under Food Hygiene Law.

  • Wash and rinse dishes. Your glasses will come out sparkling clean.

  • Clean work surfaces, cutting boards, etc. and rinse dishes with high-level acid ionized water.

  • Disinfect knives, cutting boards, and countertops (soak for 20-30 minutes)

  • Sanitize dish rags and sponges (soak for 20-30 minutes)

  7. House cleaning:

  • Acidic water works as an agent to sterilizing, preventing odors, removes dirt and grime as well as unseen germs.

  • Polishing: Acidic ionized water effectively cleans mirrors, glass, knives, and eyeglasses.

  • Cleaning: Use acidic water to wash and disinfect your cutting boards, tableware, and pots and pans (when soaked overnight, stains and burns are easily removed).

  • Sponges: Fungal and bacterial growth is stopped, preventing bad smells and contamination.

  • Polishing - Polish mirrors, windows, and more for a high sheen.

  • Acidic water removes dirt from ceramic tiles, hardwood floors, and more without leaving a sticky mess behind.

  8. Miscellaneous Uses:

  • Washing Vehicles: The dirt is removed much more easily when using acidic water.

  • Flower Arrangement: Coat the stem of the flowers into diluted acidic water and your flowers will look fresh for a much longer time.

  9. Commercial Uses:

  • Acid ionized water with high oxidant levels (O.R.P. of +1100mV) is currently used in American and Japanese hospitals in the treatment of bedsores, operative wounds with complicated infections, and diabetic ulcers. This water is sometimes referred to as "superoxide water". It is used extensively in Japan’s medical facilities for the sterilization of surgical equipment and wounds. For the same reasons, it has been adopted by the foodservice industry for the sterilization of kitchen utensils and the cleaning of seafood and meats. In agriculture acid ionized water is used effectively on plants to kill fungi and molds. For example, it is sprayed on sprouts, wheatgrass, and germinating plants in nurseries to prevent mold. Golf courses have used it to vastly reduce their reliance on pesticides and herbicides.


Strong Alkaline Water (11.5 pH)

     Strong Alkaline Water (pH 11.5) is not safe for drinking. It’s a grease-cutter and is also used for Cleaning & other purposes.

     Uses for High pH Alkaline Water (pH 11.5)

  • Strong alkaline water is used to remove pesticides and impurities from vegetables and fruits, which remain if cleaned with regular water. Strong alkaline water strips oil-based pesticides off produce and infuse vegetables with negative ions that retard their degeneration.

  • Strong alkaline water is great for kitchen countertops, bathrooms, and more.

  • Strong alkaline water is great for Sanitizing utensils, kitchen tops, etc.

  • Oil removal - Remove oily substances from hard to clean items such as the outdoor grill.

  • Plants - Strong alkaline water is used to kill fungi and other plant diseases. This is especially noteworthy because agriculture workers do not have to wear any protective gear when applying strong alkaline water to plants.

  • Strong alkaline water has a detergent-like effect and can dissolve and draw out oil-based substances. Strong alkaline water more effectively emulsifies oil, cleans oily or greasy items. Clean cutting boards, knives, and dishes.

  • Sterilize (soak) vegetables, beef, pork, and fresh fish. Also helps to bring out natural flavors and reduce acid.

ALKALINE WATER (8.5 - 9.5 pH)

  • Alkaline water is great for making soups

  • First, rinse the rice in pH 11.5 alkaline water and then cook that rice in pH 8.5 water to quicken cooking time, reduce damage to the rice, and maintain its natural flavor.

  • Enhances food flavors.

  • Decreases food’s acidity.

  • Improves nutrient absorption by the body.

  • Removes bitterness that some vegetables may have

  • Cooking beans - they will cook to perfection in less time! Beans can be soaked in alkaline ionized water for a shorter time before cooking. Cooking rice with alkaline ionized water helps prevent spoilage.

  • Ionized Water (pH 8.5 - 9.5) is safe for drinking and makes your drinking water more flavored. Ionized water helps to balance your body's pH level. With continued use, Ionized water helps to replenish your calcium levels and balances your body's pH.

  • Food preparation - Removes the harsh taste and strong smell of foods such as onions and meats.

  • Soups and stews - The ingredients will have purer flavor, lessening the need for additional seasoning such as salt.

  • Plants - They thrive when watered with pure water.

  • Animals - Your animals will experience increased health and energy as well as decreased body odor.

  • pH 9.5 is the level most adults choose to drink. This is also a good level for making tea; it enhances natural flavors and shortens stewing time. If you drink alcohol, this level of water is good to help with hangovers. 



     It is great for:

  • Taking medication - Ionized clean water is quickly absorbed and helps your medication be assimilated quicker as well.

  • Baby food: Clean water is ideal when preparing baby formula.


  1. Since human hair and skin are mildly acidic, this water is used to restore sheen to hair and smoothness to the skin. It can relieve dry itchy skin, including the itchiness resulting from poison ivy and poison oak. Helps in the treatment of acne and eczema.

  2. Beauty Water is used for personal cleansing and as an astringent (a substance that tends to shrink or constrict body tissues, usually used as a topical application). Two common examples are calamine lotion and witch hazel. Specific uses include:

  3. Restores shine to hair /lends silky softness to the skin

  • Beauty Water has excellent cleansing and astringent qualities -tightens pores like a toner

  • Beauty Water is ideal for bathing sensitive skin & Infants

  • Relieves sunburn

  • Relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, rashes, eczema and dryness, Athlete’s foot, Minor burns, and scratches & Insect bites.

strong alkaline
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